Pomegranate Extract Skin Cream: Bioactive UV Protection
Pomegranate extract is packed with strong antioxidants that could have potential within an antiaging skin cream formulation. Some antioxidants are so powerful that they may offer protection from the strong radiation from the sun which we are exposed to everyday.
Antioxidants can be consumed from our food, they can be taken in supplements or applied topically in bioactive skin creams. The latter is becoming more and more popular, with many seeking more youthful looking skin.
UVA radiation is particularly strong and can penetrate deep into the skin layers. There solar UVA radiation can cause harm to our skin cells and also DNA. Excessive sun exposure causes our skin to weather, but it also speeds up the ageing process. Minimising accelerated ageing is very important for maintaining healthy and youthful looking skin.
According to the latest research, pomegranate extract could offer potential as a UV protective agent. The pomegranate tree has been successfully cultivated since ancient times and its fruit shows value as a food because of its nutrient density.
Here we will consider the exciting new research on pomegranate extracts and how they were able to protect skin cells from inflammatory solar damage.
Protective Effects Of Pomegranate Extract Skin Cream
This particular study used pericarps from pomegranate, as part of a proprietary pomegranate extract called POMAOX, testing how well they absorbed dangerous solar radiation. POMAOX pomegranate extract was shown to be non-toxic to skin cells. The interest in topical skin creams that can protect the skin from damage, while encourage more youthful looks, are only increasing in demand.
Pomegranate Polyphenols
Pericarp of pomegranate is the outer part of the pomegranate fruit and is commonly used in pomegranate extracts. This is thought to be one of the richest sources of antioxidants within pomegranate, mainly from fruit polyphenolics. The peel of the pomegranate fruit, or pericarp, is generally a waste product from the foods industry.
Different fruits contain different polyphenolics and different quantities of them too. This is due to genetic differences between different fruits. These fruit polyphenolic compounds that are found within many different fruits and some herbs too, are very strong antioxidants. While they can protect the body from oxidative damage when eaten in fruit, these same fruits could also offer anti-ageing protection topically, or on the skin. This comes through same activity. Antioxidants neutralise free radicals in the body, preventing them from causing oxidative damage.
There are specific polyphenolics in higher quantities in some fruits, these give the fruit specific activities within the body. There is a diverse range of antioxidant polyphenols in pomegranate fruits including anthocyanidins, anthocyanins, ellagitannins and flavanols. The major bioactive polyphenols in pomegranate extract detected in this study were ฮฑฮฒ-punicalagins, ฮฑฮฒ-punicalins and ellagic acid.
Pomegranate is known to have potential benefits within cosmetic products and its antioxidant profile is well known. Some studies suggest that pomegranate is able to stimulate skin cell repair and growth. While it may also initiate collagen production in skin cells. Research suggests that collagen is essential for skin cell structure and promotes youthful looks. There is evidence that collagen sufficiency is a major contributing factor for preventing skin ageing.

UV Damage And The Skin
As mentioned, UV radiation from the sun can penetrate the skin causing serious damage. The energy in UV radiation, from solar photons, causes molecules within the skin cells to become energised.
This then can lead to cancers or oxidative damage to skin cells if there arenโt enough antioxidants in the cells to absorb this energy. This is how the skin can age. Without cellular antioxidants and nutrient recovery, accumulative sun damage causes ageing.
Pomegranate Extract Skin Photoprotection
When applied to the skin as a cream, pomegranate extract has potential to prevent skin cell damage. This is due to the specific polyphenolics present and their bioactive ability as antioxidants.
This study found that when applied to the skin cells, the antioxidant protection offered by pomegranate extract was similar to that offered by vitamin C. The UV protection offered to skin cells from pomegranate extract polyphenols was exceptionally strong.
They found pomegranate extract polyphenols easily extinguished inflammatory free radicals. This included superoxide molecules, known as one of the most damaging free radicals produced in the body.
Pomegranate extract polyphenols offer strong photoprotection benefits as low as 0.001% concentration. This is a really low concentration and upscaling this as part of a bioactive skin cream would be very interesting to see. This is exceptional photoprotection. The study found that this was similar to the antioxidant photoprotection offered by Vitamin E at 0.002% concentration.
This study also measured the inflammatory responses of UVA exposed skin cells when pomegranate extract was applied. Topical pomegranate extract was found to prevent skin cell damages induced by UVA. There was also an accompanying reduction in pro-inflammatory molecules in skin cells that could contribute to skin ageing. There were measured reductions in interleukin cytokines. Many cytokines are very inflammatory, triggering all sorts of defensive and pro-inflammatory responses. This skin cell response indicates lowered inflammation and confirms topical antioxidant qualities.
The proprietary blend, POMAX, therefore had clear antioxidant qualities that could affectively defend skin cells from the most damaging of solar radiations. Results from this study clearly show that Pomegranate extract has potential within skin creams as a preventative skin care product against solar damage.
This is a very exciting result, giving skin product consumers something to look out for in their next skin care product.

Pomegranate extracts are rich in packed with strong antioxidants with antiaging potential. Topical skin creams that encourage youthful looks and sun protection are increasingly popular. Bioactive skin creams are usually rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants can be eaten or topically applied, providing oxidative stress protection.
One oxidative stress is UVA radiation from the sun. This penetrates deep into skin cells. Oxidative damage, such as that caused by the sun, can cause skin cancers or ageing. These damaging effects are induced from free radical molecules, with high energy, within the skin cells. This is why skin weathers under excessive sun exposure.
Pomegranates show potential as a UV protective agent. Studies show that pomegranate extracts are most certainly non-toxic for application to skin cells too. It has a unique nutrient profile and has been cultivated since ancient times.
Pomegranate polyphenols form a core part of the potential of pomegranate to help with skin ageing or inflammatory damage. Pomegranate has its own unique polyphenol profile. It is rich in anthocyanidins, anthocyanins, ellagitannins and flavanols. While its major bioactive polyphenols may be ฮฑฮฒ-punicalagins, ฮฑฮฒ-punicalins and ellagic acid.
Antioxidants, such as pomegranate polyphenols neutralise free radicals in the body. This prevents them from causing oxidative damage and consequences like cancers or ageing. Because of its antioxidant ability, studies suggest pomegranate may encourage skin cell repair. It may also initiate collagen production in skin cells.
UV protection offered to skin cells from pomegranate extract polyphenols is exceptionally strong and similar to vitamin C and vitamin E. Pomegranate extract had strong extinguishing activities on some of the most damaging free radicals produced in the body.
Pomegranate extract has potential within a bioactive skin cream as a preventative skin care product against solar damage.
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