
Best Way to Take Iron Supplements

Best Way to Take Iron Supplements

Best Way to Take Iron Supplements

What is not really discussed about iron is the best way to take iron supplements and the time of day to take an iron supplement.

The time of day matters as much as how you take iron supplements. Supplementing with too much iron can cause serious health problems and should be avoided.

When taking iron supplements always read the manufacturers product label. This is because you can become hospitalised from taking excess iron.

We will discuss some of Irons benefits and how supplementations could help your overall well-being. As well as discuss the reasons why iron can be dangerous if you take it the wrong way.

Best Way to Take Iron Supplements: What Iron Does in The Body

Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency. Iron deficiency can develop through lead intoxication or from other heavy metals.

Taking iron supplements is an effective means of increasing blood oxygen levels through red blood cell production.

Iron binds to oxygen that is inhaled through the lungs and is then transported to your cells.

Each of the cells in your body regularly use this oxygen for respiration. This is the process by which you obtain energy from food.

You can use what is known as anaerobic or limited-oxygen-based energy production for a limited time. However, oxygen is so essential for life that you will turn blue, suffocate and die without oxygen.

Carbon dioxide is then exchanged again with oxygen and released through the lungs into the atmosphere.

This is one of the most basic and highly conserved cellular processes in the entire animal kingdom.

Iron foods

The Power of Iron Supplementation

Understandably iron is one of the most popular supplements on the market. Iron supplementation has health benefits such as reduced fatigue, increased energy levels, higher brain functioning and higher endurance.

Superior performance with iron supplementation has been measured athletic stamina and sexual health. Mostly due to increased blood flow and circulation throughout the body. Supplementing with iron is also highly effective for patients recovering from illnesses. These include patients recovering from malaria type diseases and patients recovering from chemotherapy.

Iron is also found in muscle cells where it stores and releases oxygen contributes to energy production and DNA synthesis. This is why you see the famous cartoon character Popeye eating spinach. Spinach is very high in bioavailable iron.

Dietary iron is essential for optimal muscle functioning and gains. Interestingly, you are more likely to absorb iron from animal-based sources than plant-based sources.

Food mix health

Best Way to Take Iron Supplements: When is Best to Take Iron Supplements

Iron should be taken either in the morning or at lunchtime. This is to ensure any immediate increases or effects of oxygen in the blood donโ€™t affect your sleep-wake cycle.

The stimulant effects of taking iron on the brain is very similar to taking a small green tea, one is best doing this as early in the day as possible.

It is strongly recommended that iron supplements are taken with food.

Most people take iron in the morning, while some manufacturers will advise you do this at lunchtime.

best way to take iron orange juice

The reason for this is very simple. The majority of the Western Hemisphere of the world drink or consume dairy products such as milk or yoghurt in the morning. Manufacturers will advise to avoid taking iron in the morning.

This is because dairy products and iron can have a contraindication. This is because of the calcium content within milk and dairy products. Calcium blocks iron absorption and this can lead to some serious intestinal issues.

Another iron absorption blocker is phytic acid, found in cereals. This is why it is not advised you take iron in the morning. The build-up of excess iron and taking too much iron can lead to some bad symptoms as discussed later on.

The body can take preference of some essential minerals and vitamins over others this can also create deficiencies and cause minor health issues.

For example, iron and zinc will compete with one another for absorption. If you take vitamin C this aids iron absorption, as well as general immunity and protein synthesis.

Vitamin C works synergistically to help iron be absorbed.

Best Way to Take Iron Supplements: How Iron to Take Iron Supplements

It is thought that the best way to take an iron supplement is with a vitamin C concentrated juice drink or water.

However, vitamin C and zinc will compete in terms of iron absorption. If you are taking several supplements, this is why it may be best to spread your intake of supplements at important times of the day.

iron supplements

Side Effects of Too Much Iron: Why Balance Is Important

The Main Side Effects of excess Iron Supplementation

In most cases of overdose of iron, one will experience light nausea stomach pain and cramps.

This is due to a reaction that can occur with higher concentrations of iron in the intestines. If you feel extremely unwell after having taken iron supplements, especially higher doses, we strongly suggest you call emergency services or a healthcare professional.

The list of side effects that occur with excess iron consumption through supplementation include constipation, diarrhoea, gastric pains and nausea.

Side effects are directly related to the amount of iron consumed and absorbed.

Why Balance Is Important: Iron Supplementation

Taking too much of a mineral can be as bad as taking too little. Every vitamin or mineral has an optimum range or homeostasis in our bodies.

If you start taking too many minerals, you can start affecting the intake of others. Or put your cells under nutrient stress trying to excrete minerals that haven’t been used. If you take too much iron a couple of things can happen.

If you have black stools this is also a common side effect of taking excess iron. What you are seeing is iron being excreted.

This can also be dangerous and if this problem is persistent contact a healthcare professional. If you have taken too much iron, you should call or contact your healthcare provider immediately. The main thing is not to panic in any eventuality but in that case your body will be in taking too much iron.


Iron is probably one of the only supplements we would encourage the most caution with. With vitamin C you can take a lot without experiencing side effects that are that serious.

Some of the side effects of excess iron supplementation result in people not wanting to take iron anymore. An astounding 15% of people are thought to stop iron supplementation due to side effects. This is despite it being one of the most important minerals to consume.

Especially for women during menstruation and in pregnancy. It is possible that minerals such as iron, have a massive impact on foetal and baby development throughout pregnancy.

The best way to take iron is in the morning or at lunchtime with food. The ideal is to take with orange juice and either Vitamin C as a synergistic complement.

Splitting up high doses of minerals and vitamins is a good idea to maximise absorption.

All dairy and high calcium products such as yoghurt should be avoided. This is a sensible approach for your intestines and ensures TLC.

If you are unsure, or you start to experience side effects or feel at all unwell, as always, seek guidance from your healthcare provider as soon as you can.

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